The Science Behind Your Weird Coronavirus Dreams (And Nightmares)
Earlier this month, my friend Claire Arkin, 30, a non-profit worker in Berkeley, Cali., told me she’d been having oddly vivid and specific dreams. In one, she was getting dressed to attend a fancy gala, but instead of donning an evening gown and diamonds, she wrapped herself in toilet paper, “like some kind of f–ked…
How Drake harnessed TikTok to slide to number one
Image copyright Getty Images / TikTok Image caption Drake’s new song has triggered a dance challenge on social media How is Drake coping with life in lockdown? Fighting boredom by dropping dance moves, if the video for his new single, Toosie Slide, is anything to go by.Beyond showing the rapper taking isolation seriously, donning a…
‘Absolute Chaos’ as Small Businesses Try to Tap Into Coronavirus Rescue Funds
NEW YORK — Desperate small business owners who hoped for a quick government lifeline to help them survive the coronavirus crisis are still without funds, instead battling red tape, wary banks and swamped computer systems. Thousands of owners who applied for loans under the government’s Paycheck Protection Program are in their second week of waiting…
‘My $60m weight-loss app cured my personal pain’
Image caption Victoria Repa avidly read business books as a child The BBC’s weekly The Boss series profiles different business leaders from around the world. This week we speak to Ukrainian entrepreneur Victoria Repa, founder of weight-loss and fitness app BetterMe.Victoria Repa had an unlikely start in life for a successful tech entrepreneur – she…